Defunkify named EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year!
We're pretty dang proud to win this award! So let's enjoy a toast on Zoom, then we'll jump right back into the lab, creating even more funk-crushing formulas that always deep clean AND always keep you safe.
"Defunkify is recognized as an outstanding Safer Choice Formulator-Product Manufacturer. Defunikfy became a Safer Choice partner in 2019 and developed an innovative green chemistry process that has, as its starting point, the selection of ingredients that meet Safer Choice criteria from the Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL)."
Thanks again for supporting Defunkify and challenging us to make the best funk-fighting products available. We couldn't have done it without you!
You can always learn more about our ProvenSafe™ Process here.
Keep getting funky, and we'll keep getting the funk out!
See the full list of winners here.
1 comment
Hi! I wanted to wait to post a review until I had used your detergent long enough to be sure of the results I was experiencing. I tried both the liquid and power in my first order, but decided on the powder since it doesn’t add plastic bottles to the landfills. I’m now a subscription customer and have been using the powder for many months. I’m not only happy with the way it cleans and defunkifies our laundry, but I’ve noticed another really great benefit. I have a front load washer that I almost got rid of because of the horrible black mold that would form in the “Load and Go” liquid detergent dispenser. I tried leaving the dispenser drawer open whenever I wasn’t using the washer, but that didn’t help. I was constantly having to remove the dispenser, take it apart, and scrub it with bleach. Now that I’ve switched to Defunkify powder detergent there’s no more disgusting mold buildup and I no longer have to clean the dispenser!